Coaching is a growth activity and we encourage our clients to read widely, use self assessments and listen to podcasts from researchers and psychologists. We also have also added some free tools on here for some self reflection and clients to use in our coaching sessions.
We are accredited in a range of individual and 360 feedback tools that we can offer to clients as part of coaching or consulting programs.
We have also collated numerous simple and free tests and guides from evidence based psychological research that can be easily accessed and the results discussed with your coach.
We have collated some simple positive psychology assessments to better understand yourself. Please bring these to your coaching sessions.
The most popular scale for measuring mindfulness is the Mindful Attention Awareness Scale (or MAAS) which treats mindfulness as a trait of consciousness: Awareness + Attention.
Awareness is the “radar” that operates in the back of our minds. It is how we notice things around us without focusing exclusively on them. Attention refers to our ability to focus our awareness on a specific stimulus or stimuli, allowing for a limited but more intense appraisal of our current experience.
This is a 3 step process:
Step 1:
Complete the Mindful Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS)
Step 2:
Discuss results with your Coach
Use some of the free mindfulness activity guides.
Nature Play - Six simple questions to encourage mindfulness while walking in nature.
Breath Awareness Guide - The six steps to become more aware of each breath.
Square Breathing - Framework for calm deep breathing.
The Five Senses - Simple awareness exercise of the five senses to become more centered and aware.
Here are some YouTube Videos, Ted Talks and Talks @ Google from some of our favourite researchers.
Anthony Grant
Encouraging passionate and engaged leaders through workplace design
Gordon Spence
Atul Gawande
Want to get great at something? Get a coach
Susan David
TED Talk: The gift and power of emotional courage
Martin Seligman
Talks at Google: Positive Psychology, well being, and interventions, 2010
Angela Duckworth
TED Talk: Grit: The power of passion and perseverance, 2013
Adam Grant
TED Talk: The Surprising Habits of Original Thinkers, 2016
TED Talk: Are you a Giver or a Taker?, 2016
Carol Dweck